Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Greetings to all.....!

Welcome to my blog spot, where I'm sure you will read and see many profound things (just agree for your own good)!

I stole this idea off my cuzzies, who like me are very popular people. All jokes aside, the purpose of this site is so that I don't have to be emailing everyone whenever something mildly interesting happens to me that you may or may not even care to know about! So really, this is to your advantage!

And a special thank you to mum & Dave, dad and the cat (cheeky one), for your contributions to my Canada mission!

So enjoy (or not)!

Love to all


Peace out....

1 comment:

ChloFlo said...


'spastic frenzy'

I miss you THIS MUCH!!!!

'stretches arms out as far as posible'

Your room looks very stylie, and lovin' the wee squirrel.

Big hugs and slobbery kisses

Chloe =)